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Units & Formations 1930 - 1956:

Artillery Regiments

The provision of artillery in the British Army during the Second World War was a key element in the tactical deployment of formations, having played a significant role in the eventual success of the First World War. The Royal Regiment of Artillery (usually known simply as the Royal Artillery) was the largest regiment in the British Army in numerical terms, with the mottoe of ‘Ubique’ being an accurate description of its service across the world.

There were various types of regiment within the Royal Artillery. The main types of regiment were and their usual equipment were:

Field Regiment (25 pounder field guns – some regiments being self-propelled),
Medium Regiment (5.5″ medium guns),
Heavy Regiments (7.2″ and 155mm guns),
Super Heavy Regiments (9.2″ guns).

Other types of regiment were:

Anti-Tank Regiments (2 pounder, then 6 pounder, then 17 pounder anti-tank guns),
Light Anti-Aircraft Regiments (40 mm Bofors light anti-aircraft guns),
Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment (3.7″ heavy anti-aircraft guns).

The standard establishment of an artillery regiment at the beginning of the war was a Headquarter Battery, and two batteries; each battery having two Troops each with four guns. Following the experience of the Campaign in France and Flanders in 1940, when the regiments re-equipped in late 1940 and early 1941, a third battery was formed; again with two Troops each with four guns.

For further information, I recommend the following websites:

I also recommend the Royal Artillery Museum website:

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